West Valley Girls Softball creates All-Star Teams at the completion of each Spring & Fall Season. These All-Star (Heat) Teams compete against other league's All-Star teams at tournaments throughout Southern California during the summer. This can culminate with District, State, and even National tournaments. During the Fall Heat season, teams play local surrounding area teams.
SPRING Heat Teams are created for the following divisions:
T-Ball * 8U * 10U * 12U * 14U
FALL Heat Teams are created for the following divisions:
8U * 10U * 12U
WVGS fields teams in the 8U, 10U, 12U and divisions (providing there are enough interested players/managers). When there are enough players in a division to create multiple teams, the first team is called Gold Heat, the second team is Silver Heat, and the third team is Bronze Heat.
The managers in each division vote to place the majority of players onto each team within their own division. The league's focus is to put together the best overall TEAMS for tournament play. Attitude, dependability, dedication, sportsmanship, experience and overall skill are all important factors in selecting players for our Tournament Teams. Although previous experience may be considered, prior participation on a Tournament Team does not guarantee a spot on any future team. A complete set of the Tournament Team Selection Rules can be found on our website at www.wvgs.org. If not selected, please understand that the league very much appreciates your interest in post-season play and encourages you to continue your interest in softball and WVGS.
If you have daughters that are twins or sisters within the same age group, please identify during the registration whether you wish that they be selected on the same team, if they are both selected as Heat players. Please note if the twins/sisters are selected separately between the Gold and Silver teams (and the parent wishes them to be on the same team), the twin/sister initially selected on the Gold team will be placed on the Silver team. If one twin/sister is selected on either the Gold/Silver team and the other is not on either team, there is no automatic placement of the non-selected twin/sister.
Questions regarding the Heat team? Email allstars@wvgs.org