Girls aged 7-8 years old

For new players to the sport, new players to the league, and returning players.
For more information, please contact our division coordinator: Nester Olmo (8u@wvgs.org)
In Fall, games are played on Sundays only.
In Spring, games are played on Saturdays and weeknights after time change
Game times range from 9am, 11am, & 1pm.
Practices will be held during the week according to the Manager of each team.
Every girl plays!
Our 8U division is open to all girls aged between 7 & 8 years old.
We are open to girls who have never played the sport, all the way through to our State Championship players.
In 8U division, our emphasis in on learning the fundamentals of the game, fun, and the importance of being a team player!