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At the conclusion of our Fall season, WVGS puts together Tournament Teams for 8u through 12u. These teams start practicing during October and play tournaments from the middle of November until the middle of December. These tournaments are played against other leagues in Southern California. If you would like to be considered for inclusion on a WVGS Tournament Team, please read this application carefully, then go to the WVGS website to register the player online.


Tournament Dates:

West Valley - Sophia Priebe Memorial Tournament - TBD

Thanksgiving Weekend Off

Simi Valley - TBD


The most important aspect of Heat registration is to accurately list all potential conflicts your player might have during the Fall Heat season, both for tournament weekends and also for weekday practices.  Having conflicts does not prevent your player from being selected for a Heat team, and it is understood that unavoidable conflicts may arise.  However, failure to report a known conflict could impact your player’s standing for future Heat consideration, so please do your best in this regard.


The reason for this is because the slot your player may take is a slot that another dedicated and qualified player will not receive. Games are typically on Saturdays and Sundays, but Friday afternoon games are possible.  In addition to your time commitment, the average cost per Fall Heat player is estimated to be $200-$250. This amount includes tournament fees, field use, and a t-shirt uniform that we (and many other leagues) wear in lieu of jerseys during this season.  The cost does not include any food, travel, or lodging expenses, which may be incurred depending on tournament location.  Scholarships are not available for Tournament Team play.  Please make sure you can meet the financial obligation before committing to a team.

Some divisions may have enough qualified players for both a "Gold" and a "Silver" team.  A player may NOT choose which team they are placed on. If you are selected to a "Gold" team, you cannot decline to play, and then be placed on the "Silver" team.  In addition, the “Gold” team may call up players from the “Silver” team due to injuries or other unforeseen circumstances.  This decision will be made solely by the Tournament Committee.   If called up to the “Gold” team, the player or players must play for that team.  Fall tournaments do not normally have separate gold/silver divisions, so silver teams will play against gold level teams.


If you would like to be considered for inclusion on a WVGS "Heat" tournament team, please go to the WVGS website where the registration for Heat will open October.  Online registration will be open through October, however, early registration is encouraged.


Each Heat player’s family will be responsible for TWO two-hour snack shack shifts (four-hours total) during our West Valley tournament (Saturday-Sunday).

Heat payment will be due immediately after the teams have been selected and families are notified in early November.

Any questions regarding Heat?  Please contact the WVGS Tournament Team Coordinator, David Hughes at allstars@wvgs.org.